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Free Clear Template

Multi-language and functional template for reading clearly

Clear Template is multi-language and functional template for readers to view the flipbook clearly. Language switchable, flexible navigation way of "Thumbnail" and "Bookmark" supported in this template is designed for different countries readers reading fleetly.

Other applied features enable you to play music while flip the book page, open page with various navigation way, share to others via Facebook, Twitter online, search targeted content in full page, and print or download flipbook etc.

clear template button

Light reading with single-click on tools

Clear Template provides you various tools to create a simple and clear flipbook. All toolbar buttons you set will be show on the top of book. While readers flip the book page, they can single-click language option to switch, single-click last page to open the last page directly, turn on/off splendid music etc. Apply Clear Template for reading easily and clearly!

multi-language switchable

Multi-language Switchable

If you want to share your flipbook to other language speakers, not only English-speaking readers, you can add more language type for readers to switch directly. Just choose or exchange language type and enable "Switchable" in Clear Template, then publish flipbook for online sharing. After that, all readers can easy to read flipbook online with multi-language switchable.

flexible navigation mode

Flexible Navigation Mode provided

In Clear Template, you can edit bookmark title and color to show the list of flipbook, for people preview all pages and open the concerned page instantly. The flexible and transparent navigation mode for all readers reading quickly and clearly!
Other navigation mode provided in Clear Template is "Thumbnail", which helps you to show all pages on transparent window with limited size. Enable this feature and single-click any page to open quickly!

Free Multi-language and functional Clear Template Demo