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PDF Page Turning Software For Mac

Here comes an efficient solution for convert your documents into page turning eBook for free. Under the help of the professional PDF page turning software For Mac, everyone can make their PDF into engaging eBooks with no hassle. Only three steps, you can get your unique digital eBook with professional look. Now, take a look at how the Flip PDF Professional works in making and publishing stunning eBooks.

For Windows or Mac

Browses Interactive Flipbooks:

Convert Static PDF to Rich eBooks

As usual, you can prepare all your contents with PDF document without any other troubles and complicated. Give the contents an elegant layout with your texts and images. Import the PDF in Flip PDF Professional for converting it into interactive eBook afterwards. More importantly, you are allowed to batch import PDFs into one eBook, a way to saving your time. The PDF would be converted into digital eBook with real page turning effects.

Interactive Multimedia for Better Decoration

Besides the images and text you add before converting, you can insert interactive media into your eBook for embellishment. Firstly, add videos with vivid content including local videos or online videos from YouTube or Vimeo. Secondly, give your eBook a slideshow to contain lots of you beautiful images to deliver more information. Moreover, with just a drag, drop and click, you can embed other elements like Hyperlink, animative text, audio file and Flash into the book page.

Publish For Mac and Share Around

It is no difficult to find that Flip PDF Pro would provide different ways to publish your page turning eBooks. After polishing, you can publish your eBook in multiple formats. Firstly, distribute your documents via Email, CD/DVD or Flash-drivers in ZIP/EXE format, Mac App, FBR (can be easily read offline with free Flip Reader), or on Mobile. Share the eBooks online with all the audiences. Or embed the eBook into your own website for catching more audiences.

Get Free Digital Bookcase

After uploading your eBooks online, you would find a digital bookcase in your own homepage. All the eBooks created by you would be collected in the bookcase, giving you a neat and nice look for your website. In addition, you can design unique style bookcase and insert your company and contact info, you can even show photo gallery in BookCase page.