Form and upload flipbooks on website?
  • What can I do to upload all created HTML flipbooks on my website?
  • First, create HTML flipbook:
  • 1. Import PDF: click "File->Import PDF" to add file, the pages will be previewed in the preview box;
    2. Output settings: define book proportions, background, zoom config, print setting, etc., then click "Apply Change";
    3. click "Convert->Convert To Flipping Book" to choose output mode as "*.html" as your wanted.

    Then, upload to Website:
  • 1. Log in your website via FTP, for example, you website domain is;
    2. Upload all of files in the output directory to your website. For example, your output directory is C:\out\myflipbook, then upload the directory "myfilpbook" to your site.
    3. See your flipping book at: or better:
    Free download the trial version to have a try.




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