Android Book App Maker



Want to publish your books for people to read on Android smartphones and tablets easily? Android Book App Maker is the right software to build Android Book Apps from Text files and images, after publishing your book App onto Android market, people can easily search in the App store and download your book to read on their own Android devices. The page flipping effect, Day/Night reading modes, easy navigation by table of contents are totally comfortable and convenient reading experience for all of the readers.

For Windows 7, Vista, XP & Need JRE or JDK (Android OS version 1.6 or above)

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Version Number: 3.3.0
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  • Why Us?
  • Features
  • How it Works
Create Android Apps for your books with ease
Easy create Android Apps for your books
Android Book App Maker allows you to convert your thousands of books to Android Apps for publishing use, then people can download your books from App Market easily and read them. The software is easy-to-handle book App creator, just import text, images, or even write text in the window directly, then you will be enabled to build an Android book App that brings modern book effect and experience to all Android fans.

Flip PDF for iPad version here!

Flip book pages on Android devices Flip book pages on Android devices
To make your book more modern and available on Android tablets and smart phones, you can use Android Book App Maker to make your own book apps with page flipping effect. People then can slide on screen to flip pages with ease, as if they are reading a real book everywhere.
Customize book info totally Customize book info totally
While building your Android book Apps with Android Book App Maker, you are enabled to totally define your book info and designs, including Book Name, Author, Category, Website, Description, Icon, Cover, Display Font and so on. You just can design unique appearance for your Android Apps easily.
Convenient reading your Android Book Apps
Convenient to read your Android Book Apps
The Book Apps created by Android Book App Maker provide readers with wonderful and convenient tools to enhance reading experience. For example, Day/Night Reading Modes. Different readers prefer different modes at different time or book display situation. It's fully customizable and readers can change book font, day/night mode font color and background color, line spacing, etc.
Clear table of contents to guide readers
Clear table of contents to guide readers
You can create series of chapters for your books in Android Book App Maker, and while reading your published Android book Apps, readers can easily jump to different chapter by clicking the chapter name in the table of contents panel. You are able to create Android book Apps with easy navigation for all readers.
Easy change book App tips language Easy to change book App tips language
To make your book app more acceptable and attractive, Android Book App Make also enables you to change the prompt language of your book Apps. You can change all related titles or options into your own language, for example, change the navigation tips "Previous", "Next" or Book "Author", "Category", etc.. Besides, you can change the book content direction as "Left to Right" or "Right to Left". Bring more creditable Apps to your Android fan readers.
Protect your Android book Apps content rotect your Android book Apps content
If you want to encryt your book content so that your book data is unreachable in case someone opens the .apk file and extracts the data file, Android Book App Maker can absolutely help. This software provides the option "Encrypt contents of the book" for you to protect code in created .apk file.
Free upgrade for ever Free upgrade for ever
Upgrades are always free. Once you have purchased the software, you can use it forever. We reserve the right to raise price for later versions, but you don't need to pay a cent for upgrading.

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demobook created by Flip PDF for iPad

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