- Convert PDF to Adobe Flash based page-flipping eBooks.
- Batch convert multiple PDF files to a single or multiple page-flipping eBooks with template settings.
- Free use service version to watch folders and create flipbook automatically.
- Provide command line version.
- Offer Project Panel to easy open or save project.
- Import bookmarks (outline) with PDF, and edit them manually.
- Import hyperlinks with PDF, include web link, page link, email link.
- Import text so text is searchable, define the minimum search characters.
- Add watermarks text, image, dynamic date/ time etc to page-flipping eBooks.
- Define quality and size for normal version and mobile version.
- Detect landscape page to present as two-page spread.
- Output in different formats: HTML, EXE, Zip, Mac App, Mobile version and Burn to CD.
o HTML allows you to upload to a website to be viewed online (with title, keywords and other metadata defined).
o EXE (with setting title, icon and open window size) and Zip allow you to send to your user by email to be viewed on their computer.
o App (Mac Application) is executable application can be run on Mac.
o Mobile version is to output HTML flipbook which can be viewed on mobile devices via Browsers.
o Burn to CD allows you to burn to disk so you can send your user physical media for viewing on their computer.
- Publish flip book to your FTP server directly.
- Create *.scr format flip book to use as Screen Saver.
- Publish flip book and Email to an address directly by choosing "Email to" output type.
- Upload created book onto FlipBuilder website server directly.
- Apply a pre-designed template and animated scene, more free templates online.
- Show Assistant and scrolling tips in your book, and record or embed sound directly.
- Preview book output effect in Flash (on PC), HTML5(on iPad), Mobile(on iPhone and Android phone) and Basic HTML (SEO Version).
- Add HTML Title in Float template which can be clicked to visit webpage online.
- Add Image or Flash logo to insert before Book Title in Float template.
- Define book proportions, thickness, margin size, shadow manually.
- Replace existing icons on toolbar by editing Icon Flash file.
- Add new icons into toolbar with calling new actions.
- Set background color and image.
- Insert background music either for continuous play (loop) or for a set duration.
- Set eBook reading from right to left (for Right-to-Left languages such as Arabic).
- Choose hard cover for eBooks.
- Set fonts for Flash and Bookmark panel.
- Set Page Number Box to show at top or bottom in Float, set start page number.
- Select flash pre-loader for your flip book.
- Edit pages with links, images, videos, flash or sound files.
- Edit pages with shapes, text, links, images, videos, flash or sound files.
- Add shopping projects to pages, like Price, Order buttons, Product photos, Shopping icons, etc.
- Add Button on pages to open link page, call Javascript action, play Flash/Video in pop-up Window.
- Define the language for your published page-flipping eBook (support multi-language show and switchable).
- Add password to protect your page-flipping eBook.
- Set render engine for conversions: SWF, GPL Ghostscript or Inner Library.
- Add Google Analytics Support.
- Add watermark image or SWF to show on print out pages.
- Add Help config to manually define content with using Image or SWF.
- Add Single/Double Page view.
- Add Minime Style to show page-flipping eBooks without toolbar.
- Set permissions for downloading, printing, social sharing, Home, About button and more.
- Edit bookmark manually and set bookmark panel to show on left or right side.
- Export and save settings for future uses.