Preview :
You can check and view full effects of your flip book easily in "Preview" window, no matter book effects on PC, on iPad or even on mobile phones such as iPhone and Android phone. There are 4 preview modes: Flash version, HTML5 version, Mobile version and Basic HTML (SEO Version).
1. Flash version allows you to preview flip book on computer with Flash Player installed:
2. HTML5 version allows you to preview book effect while reading on iPad or computer without Flash Player installed:
3. Mobile version allows you to preview the effect while reading on mobile phone like iPhone and Android phone. When readers use mobile devices to view the book, it will automatically detect which kind of device readers use and present in related mode directly.
4. Flip PDF Professional also supports SEO that your flip book content (text) can be searched by Google or other search engine. You can preview book in "Basic HTML (SEO Version)" to see how this feature works.