Free Magazine Maker

Turn static PDF magazines into interactive online publications with video & animation.

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Publish unlimited digital magazines

Go digital! Convert your PDF print magazines into the stunning online digital versions, and reach your readers on all devices. Flip PDF Plus is an outstanding magazine software allowing you convert unlimited number of PDF files into interactive digital magazines with amazing page flip animations and sound!

Import PDF documents into the software interface, add video, links, image gallery, and you can create infinity animated magazines without a line of code!

Engage your readers with multimedia

Transform PDF magazines into interactive page flipping publications with ease. You are able to embed virtually any of rich media into your magazine, including YouTube video, images, links, audio.

Engage your customers with rich media elements, delivering the inspiring reading experience to your readers on all platforms. Enable readers to click, tap, scroll, and swipe through content anywhere in your magazine for browsing that converts.


Touch support – read on mobile devices

The output editions of the publications can be scheduled to automatically publish in HTML5 for mobile and tablet. The created magazines are optimized for all screens and devices, work smoothly on iPad, iPhone & Android devices. Browsing the content is easy, flipping through the pages of a magazine is fast and smooth, launching a video, clicking on hyperlinks… Everything is done to provide the best reading experience to mobile users.

Upload magazines to cloud server

With powerful cloud publishing service, it is an easier way for you to upload digital magazine online after creating it without any FTP or online upload tools. All flipping books are hosted on our online server, which ensures its security and copyright.

Just copy-paste a small snippet of code to your website, you can embed the amazing magazine into website or blog directly. The readers all around the world can have a view your magazine once you publish it.


Deep insights on performance & user behavior

The Google Analytics will offer you detailed insight into your reader behavior, allowing you to see the number of page views, unique visits, time spent on pages, link clicks and much more. Measure key performance metrics of your publication to optimize the cost-benefit of advertising and to create the right content for your audience.

Have a analytics of this statics data, you can know who they are, what content they like, and make a more attractive and targeted magazine to meet their need. Attract new clients and leads by providing and distributing high quality, inspiring content that your customers will want to read.

Touch support

Publish mobile friendly magazines for iPad, iPhone and smart phones.

Insert multimedia

Embed online or local video, Audio and other rich media into magazine page.

Multi-language support

Support 12 language: English, French, Germany, Spanish and more.

Page flipping effect

Converts PDF files into interactive page flipping digital magazines.

Cloud publishing

Publish digital magazines to FlipBuilder Amazon S3 cloud hosting directly.

Publish anywhere

Publish e magazines to online, or burn it onto CD/DVD or USB flash drives.

Traffic statics

Track the exact behaviors of your readers using Google Analytics.

Add sliding photo gallery

Add animated sliding photo album with multiple photos at one time.

Social share

Reach your audience on Facebook, Twitter and other popular social platforms.

Optimize your digital reading experience, reach a wider range of readers, know behaviors of your online readers better, get more subscriptions, you can achieve all these things by using Flip PDF Plus E magazine publishing software. Try Flip PDF now, your digital magazines deserve the best presentation.