How to make more readers know your book?


If you want to publish your book online, how to make more and more readers know your book?

How to encourage readers to share your book with people they know on social networks?

People are naturally inclined to share content they find valuable, no matter valuable content or valuable presentation mode. It shows to their followers that they're someone worth following because of the useful information they share, making them a valuable contributor to the social networks they populate.

Flip Builder provides you series of software for you to enrich your book and enable social share.

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  • Why Us?
  • Features
  • How it Works

Flip PDF and other FlipBuilder software help to enrich your valuable book with multiple wonderful features, such as realistic page flipping effect, animated background, flexible embedded media, convenient upload online service. Moreover, all templates in Flip software provide Share feature with showing Social Network buttons, which could definitely encourage your readers to share your book in social media directly.


By this way, you can extend the reach of your publications to people outside of your direct network. So why not make your books as easy as possible for your readers to share with others? Think about FlipBuilder software as social sharing enablement!

Video tutorial of creating flip book with social share feature


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For Vista, XP, Win7 or above
Flip PDF For Mac
For Mac OS 10.5 or above

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