Can we customize the pre-loader swf to use in our flip books?
We would like to add our logo swf as the pre-loader of our ebooks, can your program let us modify ourselves?
Yes, you can easy change the pre-loader swf to your own Flash file. After building your book in HTML format, you can follow below steps:
1. Download and edit your pre-loading flash based on this FLASH file, name as "preloading.swf" and then copy to the output folder result from the flip pdf program.
(Our logo added pre-loading Flash here as reference: preloading.swf );
2. Rename the "preloading.swf" to "book.swf".
After all these are done, you will get your swf play before loading pages.
To test, just double click the html file( index.html for example), or upload all the files online and then test.
Here is our published pre-loader flash changed DemoBook.