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Is there a way to insert logo to flip book?

After converting my PowerPoint file to flip book, I got a question here. That is how to insert logo to flip book.

Flip PowerPoint help you make a wonderful presentation and show it in a novelty and fresh way. Since it is a presentation you may think about putting logo on it to show author information and your identity. Then with Flip PowerPoint, of course there is a simple way to insert logo on flip book.

1.Import PowerPoint: run Flip PowerPoint and click “Import PowerPoint” to add PowerPoint file to keep going;

2.Design Setting: select “Neat” templates and come to “Design Setting” window and move to “Title Bar” option and click “The book logo”;

3.Insert logo: select logo (including image and SWF) to insert on flip book from computer and click “Apply Change” to refresh the flip book;

4.Then you can check the logo effect on the top of flip book as well as adding logo URL on logo file.


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