Which kinds of control buttons can be added to output flip books?
Can I have some common control buttons such as previous or next page button on output flipbooks?
Yes, Flip Powerpoint (free download here) provides control buttons like Share, Autoplay, Search, Help, and you can even add some other kinds of control buttons on output flipbooks:
1. Add file: click "File->Import PowerPoint" (for "Quickly import, only import 10 pages to initial preview", of course, you can customize page range to import for previewing);
2. Design Setting: click "Tool Bar" to define control buttons you want to show or use in output flipbooks, such as Zoom, Download, Share, etc, then "Apply Change";
3. Output: Click "Convert to Flipping Book" to choose output format from *.html, *.zip, *.exe, or burn to CD, and then click "Convert" to output flipbook with your defined buttons.