Conciseness Yellow

Conciseness Yellow designs the templates based on the hope and happiness yellow color:
  • * Pre-designed 3d flipping ebook templates based on yellow subject;
  • * Easy import to use in any software of FlipBook creator series;
  • * Customize your own info with using the integrated themes.


The shade of yellow determines the meaning. Pure, bright and sunny yellow is the easiest color to see. People who are blind to other colors can usually see yellow. Yellow is full of creative and intellectual energy. Always use yellow note pads. Yellow is one of the warm colors. Because of the high visibility of bright yellow, it is often used for hazard signs and some emergency vehicles. Yellow is cheerful.

Yellow symbolizes wisdom. Yellow means joy and happiness. People of high intellect favor yellow. Yellow daffodils are a symbol of unrequited love. Sunday's color is yellow-gold.

Conciseness Yellow Theme Package designs the templates based on the hope and happiness yellow color, with different types like bright yellow, orange yellow, deep yellow, bluish yellow etc. Use the warm color themes to build your energy and bright booklets now!

Details about using themes in Flip programs >>


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